Eimaiyan Kaliyappan SMK Sultan Badlishah

Medicines are essential to people's daily lives in order to lead healthy lives. Otherwise, a person will end up using drugs to prevent or treat serious illnesses, in addition to what others will take throughout their lives. Anyone can take the drug if prescribed correctly and at the right time by a qualified doctor. Medications such as Panadol, paracetamol, antibiotics, gabapetin, and albuterol can be used. Thanks to the development of high technology, various techniques have been developed to help patients take their medicines at the right time, which explains the situation of people with chronic diseases who take a significant number of tablets every day. requires careful attention. This dispensing machine helps in releasing and delivering medicines on time to patients who need them. Therefore, following the prescription method without hesitation and hassle will help people be more aware of the need to take medicine. The introduction of automated treatment machines creates an easy-to-use and reliable option for both parties. B. For nursing staff and patients. Automatic medication dispensers are designed so that the sender places the pills into the cylinder and the pills fall into the tray at a specific time without close monitoring. Additionally, patients are relieved of the error-prone task of administering the wrong medication at the wrong time. Necessary information about the microcontroller with alphanumeric keyboard, LED display, two servo motors, alarm system and two drug storage cylinders. These numerous monitoring and control measures eliminate caregivers' worries about whether their loved one is taking the correct medications as prescribed every day.