In today's connected world, students have access to the internet and digital technologies, which comes with potential risks such as hacking, phishing, and identity theft. Unfortunately, many students are not receiving adequate education or awareness of cybersecurity, leaving them vulnerable to these threats. To address this pressing issue, we introduce The HATS, an innovative board game designed to provide an enjoyable and practical system for studying cybersecurity. With its unique gameplay and scenario-based approach, players learn the fundamentals of cybersecurity and how to apply them to real-life situations. The game's content includes Scenario Cards that simulate realistic cybersecurity situations, Hacker Cards that present challenges and penalties, and Defender Cards that provide protective measures. Players must make informed decisions based on their knowledge of cybersecurity concepts, strategies, and best practices. The content may consist of modules on topics such as safe internet browsing, password management, social engineering, and protecting personal information online. By educating students on these topics, The HATS can help them develop good cybersecurity habits that will stay with them for life. The HATS can help address the lack of cybersecurity education among students by raising awareness and promoting good cybersecurity practices, thus helping students stay safe and secure in an increasingly digital world. Overall, The HATS is a valuable resource that can benefit both students and schools, by providing students with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe online, it can help build a more secure digital environment for everyone. Keywords: board game; cybersecurity; education.