The manual voting method to select top management positions in the Faculty of Defense Science and Technology (FSTP) through Google Form has raised concerns regarding the security, transparency, and integrity of the process. This manual voting process is vulnerable to manipulation and fraud which affects the integrity of the voting process. Ensuring a reliable voting process depends on secure authentication and voter credentials. Traditional methods of voter verification are not reliable and efficient enough. Therefore, an electronic voting system for top management positions in FSTP is proposed to address this challenge. Therefore, the main objective of the development of the Supreme Administrative Voting Security System at the SKPPT Faculty of Defense Science and Technology at FSTP, which is based on a website, has security features. The development of SKPPT in FSTP that is secure by using Cryptographic techniques namely Advance Encryption Standard (AES) is proposed. In addition, design SKPPT FSTP that has the characteristics of a database that contains voter data. Next, vote to ensure data can be accessed quickly, safely and easily. Furthermore, the security of SKPPT in FSTP system is ensured through AES encryption. The methodology used is a prototype that can be built, tested, and improved as best as possible until it is accepted by users and meets all criteria. In conclusion, this system can simplify the voting process in SKPPT in FSTP.