YI884: SimplyStudy : An App That Revolutionize Traditional Studying

Saniyyah Binti Shah Jahan SMK Seri Bintang Utara

SimplyStudy is a revolutionary AI application that addresses common student struggles with understanding subjects due to inadequate explanations, distractions, or learning preferences. Traditional classrooms often lack individualized attention, leaving many students behind in academic progress. SimplyStudy offers a free platform where students can interact with AI technology to receive detailed explanations tailored to their learning style. By promoting accessibility regardless of financial background, SimplyStudy aligns with Sustainable Development Goal Number 4: Quality Education. Leveraging AI technology to provide personalized support, SimplyStudy aims to enhance academic performance, retention rates, and create a more equitable education system. With potential for commercial success, SimplyStudy is set to empower students in a digital economy.