KVO799: Integrating Online Learning Support With AI-Powered Chatbot Mechanism

Lim Jie Lyn Southern University College

I3DC24 | Tertiary (Online)

CR: 0.0000 | 0 Likes | 26 Views | 126 times | LS: 126.0
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This project delves into the development and deployment of an AI-driven chatbot tailored for education, specifically in the domain of information technology project management. It explores the significance and advantages of AI-powered chatbots, focusing on their capacity to enhance user experiences and optimize educational processes. Employing the structed waterfall methodology, the study meticulously documents each phase, detailing the creation of a prototype chatbot for students and lecturers in IT project management. Key accomplishments include a profound understanding of chatbot evolution, prototype creation, content design, and interface functionalities. The future involves refining the prototype, integrating databases, and learning resources, enhancing features like sentiment analysis and recommendation systems, ensuring scalability and security, fostering stakeholder collaboration, and comprehensive evaluation. Ultimately, this report offers a comprehensive insight into the potential of AI-driven chatbots in education, serving as a foundational guide to revolutionize learning experiences and educational methodologies.