KVO722: PalmFrondcoal


I3DC24 | Tertiary (Online)

CR: 0.1458 | 7 Likes | 48 Views | 52 times | LS: 60.0
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PalmFrondcoal is an organic charcoal product that is made from a palm fronds . The Study show that the The total oil palm planted area was recorded at 5.74 million hectares in 2021 and exports of palm oil and other palm-based products amounted to 24.28 million tonnes. At a planting density of 200 oil palm trees per hectare, 4800 pruned fronds could be harvested per hectare per year. At the end of the economic life of the trees, they are felled, and the fronds can also be harvested. The innovation of charcoal from palm fronds is a solution to reduce organic waste and create value-added products. The processing of palm fronds charcoal, including cutting, drying and burning without oxygen. The result of this process is charcoal which has high quality and various potential uses, including as an alternative fuel, raw material for organic fertilizer production, and as a water filter. The research results show that the innovation of charcoal from palm fronds is a step forward in managing agricultural waste and creating value-added products. In addition, the use of charcoal can help reduce deforestation because it reduces the need for firewood. With this innovation, it is hoped that it can make a positive contribution to sustainable development and reduce negative impacts on the environment. Apart from that, this innovation also has the potential to create new jobs and improve the welfare of local communities