I3DC24 | Junior Innovator (Online)

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Plant lovers and gardeners invest their time, energy, money and most importantly their love towards their garden and landscape projects. Plant pests are being common problem for plant lovers and for gardeners. No matter if the plant lover is a pro or a beginner and even if a plant is taken good care of (water, light, heat, fertilizer), pest infestation makes the houseplant looks unhealthy. Synthetic pesticides can bring harm to beneficial insects like pollinators and harmful to environment and health. NLS is made of Neem (Azadirachta indica) is commonly called the Indian Lilac has various properties of different parts of the tree which are mainly used as insecticide, fertilizer, soil conditioner, and so on. Neem leaves spray which is extracted from the neem leaves naturally made and it is environmentally friendly, also biodegradable, least persistent, non-toxic to the nontarget organism such as birds, pets, and other wildlife and economic. This is a great option for those plant lovers, gardeners and organic gardeners who are not a synthetic pesticides fan. Neem spray contains active ingredient, which is known as neem limonoids (azadirachtin) which affects the endocrine system of insects and have potential to control insect species effectively from harming the environment and prevents germination and penetration of some fungal spores. This invention aims to create an inexpensive natural pesticide and to assess the effectiveness of the neem spray in curing infected plants as well as in limiting the spread to healthy tissue. This product is aligned with SDG 3- good health and well-being, made naturally keeps harmful chemicals away from our food by not using synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. SDG – 15 avoiding harmful chemical, protecting beneficial insects and pollinators. This product can be marketized to all plant lovers and gardeners at a reasonable price as the leaves are most available resources.