YI1194: Stellar Glasses

Dzarif Adzri Bin Mohd Zuri Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman

In this paper, we present a unique glasses to overcome neck and back pain difficulties. The use of normal glasses is often associated with the development of neck pain and faulty body posture. For optimal view, we tend to bend towards or away from books and monitors. This actions over a period of time lead to all types of neck and body aches. Stellar Glasses is an innovation using periscope concept. The image is tilt at a 90-degree angle to obtain vertical image while in a horizontal position. This innovation allows users to see downwards without having to bend the neck and body posture. Stellar Glasses’ innovative feature could also help bed-ridden patients or individuals with restricted mobility. The mirrors in Stellar Glasses are specifically arranged to allow users to read, watching videos whilst lying flat comfortably. Preliminary feedbacks from sixty (60) students were obtained from a survey. Descriptive analysis showed that the product is well-received with 89.6% respondents agreed with the glasses’ usability. The feedback suggests that Stellar Glasses could be easy and cost effective solution in reducing neck and body posture pains. Conclusions: Stellar Glasses is a design alternative to the normal glasses using the principle of lenses periscope. It offers vertical image view that helps to reduce neck pain and faulty body posture. Anyone could read books and watch monitors comfortably with Stellar Glasses. Keyword: periscope concept, eye glasses, read books, restrict mobility