I3DC24 | Junior Innovator (Online)

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In Malaysia, the implementation of the school milk program (PSS) which is the provision of milk to primary school students, especially among low-income families (b40) becomes a platform to increase nutrition intake among them in addition to producing intelligent individuals who excel in the academic field. This program is given to 73 chosen student at SJK(T) TAPAH. The amount of milk carton that students discard each week is 365. According to the school week, at least 15000 milk carton are thrown away at SJK (T) TAPAH only. In response to the growing environmental concerns associated with waste generated from milk cartons, this study proposes an innovative method for recycling milk cartons into high-quality paper products named ECOPAPER. Traditional milk cartons, composed of paperboard lined with layers of polyethylene and aluminum, pose significant challenges for recycling due to the complex materials involved. However, this innovation aims to overcome these hurdles by introducing a homemade process that efficiently separates and transforms these materials into usable paper. Key advantages of this innovative approach include reduced environmental impact, as it diverts milk cartons from landfills and reduces the need for virgin pulp in paper manufacturing. By promoting circularity and sustainability in the paper industry, this innovation aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and advance the circular economy agenda. In conclusion, the innovation presented in this study represents a significant step forward in the quest for sustainable solutions to waste management and resource conservation. Through the transformation of milk cartons into recycled paper, this approach offers a viable pathway towards a more environmentally friendly and economically viable future for the paper industry.