YI960: Scrub_Bot (Remote-Controlled Floor Scrubber)


ABSTRACT: We are sure badminton players around the world have at least once in their life suffered an injury caused by slipping during training or playing a game. In some cases, they might even miss a game as a result of their injury, how unfortunate. This problem can be overcome with constant wiping and drying of the court. However, sport facilities like indoor courts require human labour to wipe and dry. Currently, manual cleaning processes are time consuming and require the employment of multiple people. This is where our product is here to save the day. The Scrub_Bot is a revolutionary solution to address the issue. The robot incorporates machinery and sensors to aid in the floor cleaning process. The robot is controlled by a remote controller and uses two mops on the bottom to clean the floor. The height of the mops are adjustable to ensure adequate pressure. It also has ultrasonic sensors and a siren to alert the user of potential collisions. Our solution to the problem will surely benefit the sport community in many ways. For the future of this robot, we plan to incorporate an autonomous driving system to further improve efficiency. This innovative solution aims to improve the cleanliness of buildings and to boost cleaning efficiency. Keywords : badminton, indoor court, floor cleaning process, sensors, remote controller