Landslide disasters are one of the main disasters faced in Malaysia. Landslide incidents still occur even though various initiatives have been implemented to deal with them. The most important thing in landslide disaster management is the Disaster Control Center. An unsystematic, poorly functioning Control Center, no early warning system as well as many loopholes in the management of the committee can cause limited action in the event of this disaster. LANSER FLASH CENTER is a Landslide Disaster Control Center to monitor, collect data and provide early aid in the event of a disaster. The construction of building infrastructure is innovated to be more resistant to erosion and vibration, equipped with various facilities and environmentally friendly. LANSER FLASH CENTER has a landslide erosion sensor that will send a signal directly to the Control Center via smartphone and computer screen. This sensor always gives notifications according to three disaster levels, which are green, yellow and red. LANSER FLASH CENTER is equipped with a monitoring robot and acts as a first aid robot for victims of landslides.