I3DC24 | Young Innovator (Online)

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Our group’s product named DIY Aqua Flow Innovator; it is an easy-made water dispenser machine. Our product can be made using pervasive necessities and ingredients. Thus, if you would like to create a water dispenser machine like us, it may not cause financial burden for you. The ingredients needed are straw, cardboards, bottles as well as permanent marker while the tools required are hot glue gun and utility knife. For your information, our product is able to bring us a variety of advantages. As for illustration, it is portable and certainly convenient for us to take along when we are willing to go on a trip. This is due to the fact that our product is small and light as it would not occupy too much space. Not only that, although our product does not cost a lot, it still be able to last for a long period as long as you take good care of it. Last but not least, our product is able to help in conserving the green environment as our ingredients are all recyclable materials. As a result, our product would not produce pollutants that will affect our natural environment and we are able to protect our mother Earth from further damages.