YI150: Natural Perfume Balm

Nur Fatnin Bilqis Binti Azli SMK Batu Muda

I3DC24 | Young Innovator (Online)

CR: 0.0479 | 8 Likes | 167 Views | 241 times | LS: 249.4
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Perfume is a mixture of fragrance of essentials oils derived by plants or aroma compounds usually in liquid form. The scent is produced and then combined with alcohol. A fragrance is defined as a combination of organic compounds that produce a distinct smell. A fragrance may contain a small amount of alcohol or a lot. In this study, natural perfume balm is derived by using natural products through distillation to extract the essentials oils from the rose petals. Molten beewax and natural almond oil is added to the rose extract. Essential oils is healthier for the skin and it is safe to use on skin without any toxicity. It is also doesnt include any alcohol that could dry out skin or case any breakouts. By using rose petals, it can create a fragrance that brings emotional and physical healing properties.