I3DC24 | Junior Innovator (Online)

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This INNOVATION 'easy xerox' is implemented to help students of all drawing levels and speed up the process of completing homework quickly and neatly. This study involved five Year 5 students of SJKT Tapah school. Data collection is done through observation, document analysis and interviews. Data was analyzed manually with thematic method. Test interviews were done to guarantee the consistency of the data. Through data analysis, it was found that remedial students have problems drawing pictures and tables. They are not confident and cannot draw without guidance. The teaching aids that are used are also not effective in helping students who cannot complete homework that includes pictures and tables. Based on the problems found, 'Easy Xerox' can be built. This package is built with recycled materials such as waste boxes, lamps, waste mirrors and advanced tolerance methods. The results of the study show that there is an increase in the mastery of the students who can complete the homework that has pictures or schedules in the time set by the teacher. Pupils can submit homework quickly and neatly with the 'Easy Xerox' machine. After all, students become more confident in class lessons activities in class. They also like the use of the 'Easy Xerox' machine in learning drawing skills. With that, the researcher has improved the practice in teaching drawing skills neatly and quickly.