YI377: Informarify


I3DC24 | Young Innovator (Online)

CR: 0.3065 | 19 Likes | 62 Views | 133 times | LS: 157.8
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Did you know that almost 62% of the internet is made up of unreliable information according to data we collected from the Center Statistics Office (CSO) and reported by Yahoo, The Journal, RTE, HeadTopics, Irishtimes, and Irishexamine? Countless groups have been designated to spread fake news and propaganda, paired with misinformation and slander posted about the opposing countries during war Nowadays, It's hard to tell between fact and fraud regarding information online. Whether it's from a reputable news source or from forwarded WhatsApp messages, there is bound to be bias and misinformation in the texts shared. Our software —- Informarify, tackles misinformation by meticulously comparing and compiling data from credible sources. Amidst crisis, assessing bias rates across multiple sources is crucial, empowering users with accurate insights to navigate turbulent information landscapes. By scanning the information spread between users and comparing the information accuracy with reputable sources from their respective categories we reduce the harm being caused by false information on the internet that's being spread daily across social media and misinformation spread by biased news networks. With this, we can combat information propaganda and brainwashing and be able to see the truth behind the information being spread. Keywords: - unreliable, information, fake news, propaganda, misinformation, slander,.reputable, news source, false information, social media, biased news networks, information propaganda, brainwashing.