KVO176: Athletes Management System


I3DC24 | Tertiary (Online)

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Technology is evolving at such a rapid pace that everything is accessible at our fingertips. The National Defence University of Malaysia (SMAUPNM) Athlete Information System was developed because the Defence Fitness Academy (AKP) responsible for managing UPNM athlete information was found to still be using a manual method that uses paper copies. SMAUPNM was developed to replace the existing method and help the AKP manage information more systematically and effectively. This system will store athlete information more securely compared to manual methods that can be exposed to theft. SMAUPNM has a captcha security feature that ensures athlete information is not exposed to individuals who are not involved. In addition, the storage of information in the form of an Excel file shows that the method used is not systematic because it is difficult for the AKP to generate a report based on an athlete according to their respective achievements in detail. SMAUPNM uses MySQL, which functions as a database to store athlete information. Next, the HTML programming language is used to develop the website, and CSS is used to tidy up the display of the interface on the SAMUPNM website. The implementation of information management based on the website will allow the AKP to access and manage athlete information anywhere, regardless of time and place.