In school also students feel sad with the food which brought at morning. Students usually eat at 10am. Then the food brought at morning will release heat and become cold. If implement the machine at school will help children enjoy their food. From this situation, our school decide to invent eco heater machine. The main of this project is regarding engineering and contribute to SGD12 Responsible consumption and production. The main objective of this project is to study the ability of using eco heater box in helping students to heat their food which are made from aluminium foil, polystyrene, bulbs and Arduino Nano system. First we gather the selected item such as, bulbs, polystyrene box, Arduino system and aluminium foil. Then, painted the outer part of the polystyrene box. Next, fix two bulbs inside of the box.Beside, the outer part of the box wrapped with aluminium foil. Then, sealed the upper part of the box with gum. The in front of the box was make open and close to put and take the food. Lastly the eco heater box was ready to use. The Arduino Nano, jumper wire, breadboard, ultrasonic sensor and sound sensor were prepared. The Arduino Nano fix with computer to set coding with arrange the setting of the time in LCD and set codding for make sound at buzzer. Students felt comfortable with using smart heater box. From data survey with google form among 24 candidates know that using smart heater box able to give good feedback with the customers. Smart heater box as high commercial value as it is made of reuse. Therefore, the cost was calculated based on producing one smart heater box. Smart heater box able to give good feedback in preventing students problem in daily life.