KVO1078: Fixit And Foliage Frenzy Mobile Apps

Tong Lee Qi Southern University College

I3DC24 | Tertiary (Online)

CR: 0.0278 | 1 Likes | 36 Views | 86 times | LS: 87.0
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The times are constantly changing, and with the pace of technological advancement, people's stress levels have increased. This has led to a growing population of individuals living alone. In this scenario, they are more prone to feeling lonely. When they find themselves in need of assistance while alone at home, there is often no one to turn to, and they may be hesitant to seek help from strangers because of security issues. Therefore, it is necessary to create a service provider system to address common issues that they might encounter at home, such as plumbing and electrical repairs, gardening management, and errand services. The implementation of such a service provider system utilizing modern programming frameworks like Flutter, Laravel, MySQL, and Bootstrap to develop this system. The goal of this system is to assist marginalized groups in society, such as individuals living alone, people with disabilities, and the elderly, in obtaining more reliable assistance. Administrators will verify all the services registered in the system. So, the safety of users will be guaranteed, they will not feel threatened and the risk of robbery will decrease. The project uses a waterfall model, starting with communication and planning, moving through design, development, and testing, and finally to user acceptance and deployment. In summary, this system takes a systematic approach to help these vulnerable groups to access secure and trusted services.