I3DC24 | Junior Innovator (Online)

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Egg consumption is very high in every household. This led to huge amount of bio-waste around the globe. The disposal of eggshells contributes to environment pollution, unpleasant smell and attract insects and carry pathogens such as E.coli or salmonella. On the other hand, plants need food for their growth and development just like other living things. Plants need 16 essential elements and eggshells contain one of the elements which is high-level calcium that benefits plant’s growth and development. Calcium builds strong cell wall in plants just like how it makes our bones strong, produce healthy tissue, like shoot, leaves, roots, and buds. Calcium deficiency makes leaves curl which is referred as “parachute leaves,” cause discoloration, blossom end rot, and slow growth. Plant with proper and adequate calcium has normal root system development, quality fruit development, healthy fruit set and stimulates photosynthesis and makes nitrogen use more efficient. Our invention aims to utilize the eggshell waste and transform into calcium fertilizer for the plants. This is an inexpensive, natural, non-toxic, home-made egg fertilizer. Our invention is also in line with few of the UN’s SDG goals such as SDG12, SDG 13 and SDG 3. SDG12 which is responsible consumption and production where our invention helps in reducing waste and converted to valuable calcium element for plants, plus achieving the goal of zero waste of eggshells. Some fertilizers are rich is nitrogen and this brings global warming and climate change. Our fertilizer is naturally made and contributes to the SDG goal 13 (Climate Action). SDG 3 ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all as our invention helps in reducing pollution which can cause serious environmental problem and spreading unnecessary diseases due to the huge disposal of eggshells.