Muhammad Amirul Firdaus Bin Muhammad Ariff Kolej PERMATA Insan

I3DC24 | Young Innovator (Online)

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The extensive and unchecked deforestation of trees worldwide poses a critical threat to climate change globally and the loss of precious biodiversity. A less diverse ecosystem is less resilient to the effects of climate change, making it more vulnerable to disruption. The problem is not solely rooted in mass deforestation but also in the broader lack of public interest in preserving biodiversity. Terra is a virtual plant exploration application that comes with gamified features that are interlinked with one another to educate users on plant biodiversity and how to maintain it. An AI-powered scanning feature that allows users to gain instant information on any plant scanned is linked with a virtual garden that displays all the plants scanned by the user. The application will also feature a plant index that provides essential information about various plants, including their species, uses, benefits, and planting instructions. To keep users engaged with the application, they can earn points to level up, thereby motivating them to consistently explore and learn more about the biodiversity of plants. The Terra application provides a response to the crisis of lesser biodiversity by harnessing the power of technology, gamification, and education to increase public awareness and knowledge about plant biodiversity preservation.