I3DC24 | Tertiary (Online)

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This study was conducted to introduce the community to the benefits of "umbut pisang". According to M.Anem in 2012, most people do not know that there is actually a component inside the banana stem that can be cooked and eaten, namely umbut pisang. In addition, the production of this product also aims to encourage people to eat vegetables. Umbut pisang has many benefits and nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and potassium. Therefore, this study was conducted to diversify the flavor of this umbut pisang by producing "sambal garing umbut pisang" or crispy banooties so that the community would be more interested to enjoy this umbut pisang. Crispy banooties is a product based on umbut pisang that is made into crispy sambal that has elements such as fried onions, dried chilies and prawns. Each of these elements has its own properties that can help to add nutrition to this dry sambal. The researcher developed this study using the ADDIE Model method as a reference in producing this product. The data collection method used was quantitative methods, which used a pilot study form and a questionnaire distributed to 28 respondents. The results of the received information were analyzed using Microsoft Word 2019 and Microsoft Excel 2019 software to facilitate data analysis in the form of tabulations and pie charts. The results of this analysis have received positive feedback and acceptance from culinary arts students at Kolej Vokasional Kuala Selangor. Overall, this study has achieved the set objectives, and it is hoped that this product based on umbut pisang can be accepted by the whole community.