In Malaysia, there are varies types of device sell to remove the bad smell. There are more expensive and also chemical. The school children need to wear the shoes daily for school. Their shoe will become very bad smell because of use the shoe daily. To overcome the bad shoe smell problem our school invent an idea to make BS device for remove the bad smell. The objective of this project is to study the effectiveness of producing BS device in removing bad smell in school children shoes. The ginger peels, pandanus leaves, rose follower petals, jasmine flowers were collected. Then, the collected things were dried under sun light for five days. Beside the dried materials were blend nicely using the blender. Then the powder form will mix together to form homogeneous mixture. The homogeneous mixture was put in muslin cloth. Then tied the muslin cloth with rubber band. The result was taken by giving the google form survey regarding the feedback of using BS device. From the result students were able to use the BS device to remove the bad smell in their shoes. There like to use the BS device. Usage of ginger peels, pandanus leaves, rose flower plants petals, jasmine flower to make n BS device is the novelty on this work. It contribute to SDG3 Good Health and Well Being. The BS device help in removing the bad smell. This BS device is renewable, organic, safe to use, biodegradable, sustainable, cheap and environmentally friendly compared to chemical device.