YI810: Seashell Ink

Michelle Chantelle Lee Yin Yen Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Sea

I3DC24 | Young Innovator (Online)

CR: 0.2642 | 135 Likes | 511 Views | 230 times | LS: 400.7
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After brainstorming, we wondered if material such as school books can be composted since the ink used to print it may toxic to the environment. We also noticed that seashells must be disposed properly as it can modify the condition of water and soil which would effect the ecosystem. Our idea, seashell ink, would be water-based and the pigments would come from the pigments found in seafood shell waste. This will not only provide a biodegradable alternative ink but will also put domestic waste to good use. This ink can also provide other benefits such as reducing waste in landfills.